It’s hot outside, and you can’t spend your usual exercise time outdoors with your dog due to the temperature. What do you do to help drain their energy and give them something fun to do while it is too hot for outside time or going for walks?
Mental enrichment is a great alternative to walks and outside time, and you can even make it so the activity helps cool your dog off! Here are a few ideas to help entertain your pup while also keeping them cool on these hot summer days.
Pupsicles are a fantastic way to help keep your dog cool and entertained. They are highly customizable, so they are great for dogs who have a special diet and are limited in what they can eat. To make a pupsicle, you can use an ice cube tray, or a larger container depending on the size you would like to make your pupsicle. Add your pet’s favorite treats, fruits, and veggies that are safe for dogs, or even just your dog’s kibble if they have a limited diet. Once you’ve added your filling, you can then add water or broth to fill up the ice cube tray or whatever container you decided to use. Once they are frozen, you can give them to your dog and let them enjoy the cold treat!
Bobbing for Treats
If you have ever bobbed for apples you can imagine what this activity might look like! You’llneed a kiddie pool, or large bowl that your dog’s face can fit in comfortably. Fill your pool or bowl with cool water and then drop your dog’s favorite treats into the water! You can test the treats ahead of time to see which ones float and which ones sink. If this is your dog’s first time bobbing for treats you may want to start with treats that float and then try the ones that sink once they understand the game and are ready for a challenge! If your dog is interested in toys, you can also have them play this game using some of their favorite toys!
Ice Cube Snuffle
Making an ice cube snuffle area is a great way to cool your dog down, and might be more enticing to those dogs who don’t enjoy playing in water. You can use a kiddie pool for this activity, or even just dump some ice on the ground outside. Once your ice is dumped go ahead and sprinkle treats that your dog likes into the ice. This will encourage them to stick their nose into the ice as they search for treats!
We hope you and your dog can stay cool and mentally stimulated on these hot summer days!